
4th February 2001


The first Detox comic strip is finally finished!

One hell of a fog descended this week. I was working late at the office on a project and decided to call it a day at about 7:45pm. Walking to the car park I noticed how thick it was around me. I have never seen such dense fog in all my life. Maybe its because I'm further south? Anyway I got to the car park and was heading in the general direction of my car. Having arrived late this morning I was parked right at the back. This is a big car park and I must have reached half way when I realised that I could not see a thing. I turned around and the buildings I had just come from were gone. All around me was this fog. The street lamps at the edges of the car park were creating an eerie light. I swear it felt like I had fallen into a game of Silent Hill. All I could see was the concrete floor of the car park with the white space markers, and a border of fog. Maybe the Konami game designers had been in a similar situation once? Who knows how ideas happen?

As you may have already observed, I finally managed to find the time to complete the first detox comic strip. Thanks to Hing for his input.

I was quietly chuffed with it until I received some feedback from my good 'ol buddy, Mink. You see the original concept was 'the scooby gang' i.e. us guys who hang around a lot at work and play. And so the strip was based on a recent event. However sensible Mink points out that people outside our little ensemble may not get the joke. Bugger. Oh well, note to self, make the jokes more universal. Of course if you have any script ideas for the strip, you know my email.

My main aim with the strip was to get some templates done so that I could at least show the guys that I had been beavering away doing something. I hope to add more characters and improve the design over time. I will get around to an introduction to each character that appears in the strip. In the meantime and for those of you outside the scooby gang here's a brief intro to the two dudes that appear in our first ever strip:

Hing - A recent university graduate and gaming nut. Look in the dictionary under 'addiction' to the left of the quote 'I am not goddammit!'

Richard (Guy with tie and shades) - Another graduate that works in the same office as Hing. Tends to stand near you and stare at your computer screen. This of course draws attention to said screen which hardly ever contains something interesting in the nature of the work you are being paid to do. :o)

Ok, introductions over with, I hope you at least enjoyed my first attempt at an on-line comic strip. I'm aiming to update it thrice weekly. Time will tell if my aim was too high.

Until next week..


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