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13th February 2001

Episode I - Cows & Comix

So, here I am, writing some more frollocks for the site. Seeing as Dave/Kei now has his personal DK One(Dave you don't smell that good!) area, he's encouraged/inspired me to start my own little ramblings.

For those of you who don't know me, I'm hoping there are a few, my real name is Wes, a Comp Sci grad originaly from Doncaster('Strong in't arm, thick in't ed'), which for those who don't know is home of the St. Ledger horse race, not that I give a rats ass. Donny (as it's affectionately known) is nowt special, another town that wishes it was a city, with nightclubs full of slappers, most of which are reported to be HIV positive (if you listen to the tabloids). Anyway, after clawing my way into Teeside uni, I managed to graduate (2:1) after spending the majority of my time hanging out with those reprobates in the comic; Dave (Kei), JP (JP), Hing (Lex) and Koony (Koony) as well as Bruce (Orgasmo) and Ant (Rogueski). They all have their merits and they all have their flaws (JP you sadistic bugger), but they have more merits than flaws and those I know best would probably put their lives on the line for their mates, which says it all.

Anyway(as Donna Air would say) that leads me onto the topic of Detox (er, how?). Detox was initially planned as a place where we could unwind, a simple little home in cyberspace where we could dump our load(s). Being sick of attempting to maintain our own little pieces of the internet it seemed sensible to try and have one piece of real estate we could all share, much like Uni. It took us a while to get it all together and Dave really has been the driving force behind the whole project, he's a workaholic sometimes and you really have to admire that (or slap him). When Detox was realised, it all seemed to spark us into action, throwing out rants, reviews, whatever we could with all abandon. Unfortunately that wasn't exactly the best thing we could do, we weren't really focused enough on what we wanted from the site. Did we actually want anything at all? I guess we kinda did, we wanted a place people would enjoy looking at and reading through, which is something I think we're close to acheiving. Admittedly, it might not look sexy, but it's clean, it's reasonably fast and hopefully it's funny.

Anyway(as Donna Air would say) that leads me onto the comic, what a bloody feckin sweet acheivement that is Davey boy! I love it and I hope everyone reading this loves it. A lot of effort on Dave's and Hing's part went into creation of templates for the characters etc. It's got it's own style which I'm sure will develop and I'm really looking forward to the first colour episode. It's hard at the moment, as we really all have to chip in with ideas and then refine those ideas so they work not only for us, but for all you peeps out there. After all not everyone shares the same humour. Anyway, let's have a toast to a sucessful weeks comic, cheers peeps, long live Detox and all those associated with it!

Monkeys' nuts taste better with freshly squeezed orange juice.


Copyright David Kei 2001 in association with MINK productions
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