December 2002
- 04.12.2002 -

Online challenges

While researching online challenges for the current run of comic strips I discovered a strange trend developing within the online world. As more and more people get online they have access to what is going on in peoples lives in far away places they have never heard of. This level of voyeurism was unheard of until now.

With the fast pace of life in today's information age it has become harder to compete. The race is on to find the most beautiful actress, the best martial artist the most original musician, the best athlete etc. It has become pretty hard for the average person to compete in this arena. How can Joe Public get some recognition? Cue online challenges.

First off, what do you want out of life? Do you want to become the best there is in your chosen profession? Do you want to be known as the person to go to if someone has a problem with something specific because you've been there, done that, and have a rep as being the best problem solver around? Its not easy getting to be numero uno. There are many out there competing with you and you may not be cut out for the task either physically or mentally. So what can you do?

There are other ways of getting your fifteen minutes of fame. For instance you can do something completely stupid like the guys on MTV's Jackass. This craziness has spawned such a following that some people such as Captain Sparkle have their own web site where you can see them doing crazy things. Captain Sparkle for instance will amaze you by launching dangerous fireworks from his head. Seriously.

My research into the weird things that people will do also covered some adult challenges. How about the housewife in Ohio that will take suggestions from viewers on what objects she should use as er.. props? Or how about the Japanese woman that beat the USA porn star, Houston's record of having intercourse with 650 guys in one day. Houston became so damaged by this challenge that she had to have an operation. She then sold the parts they removed online. Gross or what?

Censorship is breaking down and people are getting away with a lot more these days than they could in the past. FHM magazine for instance is currently looking for couples who are willing to try anything sexually so they can give them challenges and feature the results in their periodical. All in the name of research, I mean sales.

Reading about some of these challenges has confirmed my belief that the human race is capable of just about anything. And yes, for those that wanted to know, the guy taking one hundred showers with one hundred women and the Dutch college girls having sex with guys and keeping a diary which was then stolen and uploaded to the net are both true stories. Anyone who knows how to use a search engine can easily find them online.

- 06.12.2002 -

SWF 26, seeking guy who knows how to spoil a lady

Something is pissing me off and I feel I must share it with you. A couple of days ago while out driving I heard the guy on the radio talking about this new web site. Then later that day on a different station I heard a female presenter urging women to use this web site. I heard it again yesterday but this time the male presenter was not too happy with the web site.

So what is it? It's called and is designed for women who have had a great boyfriend, who is now their ex and who they can recommend to other women. Well that's nice aint it? I mean, if we are great boyfriend material and our ex's are recommending us to other women it saves us a lot of time and effort searching for a date right? Wrong.

If you read the site and listen to what the radio announcers are saying this is not a site recommending guys who are cool to be with, great lovers or husband material. No, what they are asking you to recommend are chumps. Guys that are nice not with respect to their personality but with their money. Guys that will buy you drinks take you out for meals and buy you expensive gifts. Pamper you basically while hoping that one day they may get to second base. If they are lucky of course.

This site so pisses me off. (You can tell can't you?) They should call it 'guys with big wallets'. They don't even hide the point of the web site. You don't even have to register to get the gist of what they are promoting.

For all those guys out there that hate being taken for a chump, I recommend this site instead, Forget the cheesy title. This site gives you all you'll need to know to not be taken for a Mr.Niceguy and to not fall into the LJBF (lets just be friends) scenario. Don't take it all too seriously as I find some of the advice amusing but it has some useful info on how to discover if the girl you are talking to is after your wallet or you. For instance:

In a bar
Her: Hi there wanna buy me a drink?
You: Well hi, (smiles) why don't you buy me a drink?
Her: Snorts and walks away

You've just saved yourself from a wallet hunter.

Lets say you did buy her a drink and she just walked away after you handed it to her and walked back to her boyfriend. What do you say? "Er excuse me but I bought her a drink so she can at least talk to me".

My sisters friends used to tell me all sorts of tit-bits of info. How they'd go to clubs walk up to a bar and ask a guy to get them a drink while smiling profusely at them and doing a bit of flirting. Once they got the drink they'd walk away. Why? I asked them. "What's the fun in sticking around?" they'd say. "I had fun flirting and once he gave in and bought me the drink I knew I could have him. The thrill of the chase was over so I went back to my friends. With my free drink!". Then they'd boast how they had X amounts of drinks etc, a great night out and spent sweet fa. If they could get a guy to pay for the taxi home then it was an even greater night out. So don't be an AFC (Another Frustrated Chump), read the site I recommended and you'll have all the ammo you need. Seriously dude.

David Kei

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December 2002

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