May '99 - June '99

Welcome to my on-line Diary. This diary was created to help build upon my writing skills and to allow me to express my thoughts and opinions on everyday life. It will run only from January to July 1999. The month Nostradamus predicts will see the start of World War 3. Hopefully though, that won't happen and I'll be happily working in the computing/communications industry. Before then, I have my final year to finish at University. Here is my story.

(The following expresses the writers own opinions and not those of anyone else. A spellchecker is not used in order for the writer to learn to spot his own mistakes, and english-slang may appear frequently. Full names of people will not be used without permission. Where appropriate, christian names or aliases will be used. The writer has the right to change/modify any entry below if he so wishes.)

18th June 1999

It seems like I've been on the mobile most of the day and my ears hurt like hell. I kept changing ears during long conversations but that didn't help. I even tried the hands free kit but callers could barely hear me.

Got myself an accountant and a business within a few minutes! I'm now a company director. Sounds weird when I say it to myself so I'll stop and maybe the stares will too. Got to get my stuff in order before I move. I said I'd end this diary after my final year as a student was over but people actually emailed me and told me they read it. And here's me thinking I was talking to myself. :)

17th June 1999

My last exam today! Not sure how I've done but news that I've got the job I wanted cheers me up for the rest of the day.

14th June 1999

Its the middle of my finals and I get the call. The job I really want is on offer but I have to attend an interview over 250 miles away and pay my own way. I want this job so I go for it. A friend who is up for another position within the same company suggests we can save money and hassle by hiring a car and splitting the costs so I agree.

I realise that driving there and back over 500 miles the day before an exam is not the best thing to be doing but I don't have much choice (He is not old enough to drive a hire car). The train is more expensive and crowded according to another student who went there a few days earlier via train. He could hardly get any revision done.

The hire car is a new silver Peugeot 306 and it is comfortable to drive so the journey down is not so bad. The interview goes well but afterwards I find out what real stress is when I'm driving back not knowing if I have got the job and knowing that I will not be home until about 11pm and I have done no revision today!

Suffice to say I got a few hours revision in before hitting the hay which proved useless due to a combination of stress and anxiety keeping me awake.

21th May 1999

Fancied a break from revision today so when friends offered up a game of badmington, I accepted. I recall vaguely playingthe game in the past but I could not remember the rules. They would not of mattered anyway because it turned out to be agame designed to see how fit you are ie how far you are prepared to run in order to return the shuttlecock.

So a lazy friday tured into an exhausting one. My legs haven't received such a workout in god knows how long. To cool downme and Hing headed over to Rileys to shoot some pool for an hour. I won 4-1 and I potted the black 5 times! :)

15th May 1999

It's been five years and I've finally had a haircut. Maybe I'm taking this need for doing something different every so often, too seriously. I drove over to my sisters place this morning to fix her doorbell and wire a phone extension into my grandmas house. Gill, a self-employed hairdresser was there, cutting my sisters hair. I'd been warned a few days earlier that I should consider a new look. I was still not completely swayed as she began to merrily cut away what took years to grow.

It's not too bad to be honest. Gill did a fine job and I'm happy with my new look. Driving home, the wind from the open window feels strange on the back of my neck.

14th May 1999

Happy Birthday Koony!

7th May 1999

Had my Viva this morning. Not sure what to make of it really. A 25-minute question and answers session by the people who have to grade your project. I think I did well but the poker-faced lecturers weren't giving anything away.

Checked my email as I usually do when I'm at uni only to find that a long time email friend was slagging me off. There was no reasoning with him so I decided to call it a day. I have no time for people whose only interests are attacking others when they are less than perfect themselves. I have better things to be getting on with.

Used up the last of my M&S vouchers today (courtesy of BT) by treating Koony and myself to a St.Michael snack. We discussed computing in general and the price of hardware these days. Not many people realize that the second hand market is flooded with computer gear going cheap. I thought it may be down to the fact that a lot of people are not really sure what will happen if their beloved machine is not Y2K compliant and are therefore selling it to be safe rather than sorry. It could be the fact that we live in a large student populated area and they are always selling hardware left right and center.

Passed the BT store and decided to have a browse at the mobile phones. Within seconds I had a couple of assistants helping me choose a package that suits my needs. I've been considering a mobile for a while now but with every pricey item, I justify purchasing it to death. I settled on a Cellnet service and took my purchase home. The lady said it would take 16 hours to charge but it only took 4.

Add another electronic accessory to my growing collection..

6th May 1999

I actually voted today for the first time in my life. 26 years old and I never bothered to vote before. Well, personally I don't think that's a bad thing. I've never been concerned with politics. Maybe that's not a good reason not to vote but if you know nothing about politics, how can you vote? Anyway, I won't go into the reasons why I voted and which party received my vote. Just that I did.

Its revision time. Finals are in early June so everyone is knuckling down and starting to feel the pressure. I have my Viva in the morning, which I'm not looking forward to. Crossed-fingers that all goes well.

February 1999 - April 1999

December 1998 - January 1999