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DK One

12th March 2001

Why use preservatives in fast food?

I hear the phone ring and my heart replicates the fear effect. I see the snowy picture in the TV and think Silent Hill. My room reminds me of the Dream Web and I yearn for another Tomb Raider fix. Yeah ok, I know I need to get out more. The dizzy spells I get when I get up from the PC to make my cappuccino are not helping either. Maybe there is a cure on the net.. no I must break away from digital nirvana.

Spare some change?

We fear change because it is associated with risks. Taking risks is not good, oh no. You may fall flat on your face and that's bad. On the other hand if you do not take risks you are still running a risk. The risk that your life may never be interesting. That you will be doing the same thing in five years time that you are now.

Without risks life is dull yet we surround ourselves with these invisible barriers encasing our comfort zone. But once in a while you have to break free and rebel or you just may loose your sanity.

When I hear of others doing well after taking risks at first I feel happy for them. Then I feel pissed off with myself for not having the courage to do the same!

Don't ask.

It's the information age. How many times have you heard that recently? It is true however. It has never been easier to get information on just about anything you want thanks to the internet, multimedia, digital radio and satellite/cable TV. With newsgroups, email, IRC and ICQ it is easy to ask others for information. To ask them how to do this or that or what their opinion is on something. But information overload is no substitute for your own abilities. You don't need to ask others. The information is there for you yourself to interpret. To work out for yourself your own answers. We fall into the routine of asking rather than investigating. Our brains turn to mush as we idle its cycles and rely on the collective to tell us the answer.

A bleached blonde in a bikini bent over my bicardi.

Strip #25 summed it up for me and that's why I created it. You get into a groundhog day loop and you don't know how to break free. Friday is just like Monday except that you don't have to come in to work the next day (but not always).

You start inventing reasons why you can't do something different today. Damn. It all comes back around to change. I wonder what's on TV tonight?


Previous DK One:
22nd February 2001
13th February 2001
4th February 2001
23rd January 2001

Copyright David Kei 2001 in association with MINK productions
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