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DK One

1st May 2001

Confused? Well don't be.

I took a much-needed break from the comic recently. Now that that break is over, I find myself with a set of templates that seriously need an overhaul. Either that or I start a new comic from scratch.

But what of Detox? A discussion ensued. "Well.. it was created for the Detox site" I said. "So if I were to start something new I could chose my own name for it and invent the characters myself".

The problem with the current characters is that they are based on friends of mine. Now they have all signed agreements saying they wont take offence or sue my ass for lible (you were drunk at the time guys so you probably don’t remember). However, back in the real world several have been annoyed with certain strips and demanded retribution. This has proved inconvienient and has lead to today's strip.

Much discussion was had by those in the know about the format of strip 51. Suggestions ranged from, someone hiding Wes's pr0n and he goes on a killing spree. To JP tries to blow up Pikachu but fails and kills himself and everyone at Detox in the process. These ideas I rejected.

In the end I went with an idea from RR who said "its always the quiet ones" during a conversation. Koony the assassin was born!

So is that it? Is Detox finally over after 51 strips? Well no. I had so much fun creating the above comic that I started generating more ideas to toy with. Alternative endings, new characters, women (during the creation of Hing's guest strip we inadvertently created a breast template) and even full colour!

The first task of course is the creation of the new templates. My main goal is to reflect the characters personalities in their looks so the use of a standard profile template is out. And characters will even be able to stand sideways! Yes, Full 360-degree template sets!

Detox V2.0 will be coming soon. Meanwhile if you fancy having a go yourself as a guest artist, drop me an email with your ideas and I'll send you the V1.0 templates.

Thought Of The Day, Week, Month - "You have to work at this amount of laziness"


Previous DK One:
8th April 2001
12th March 2001
22nd February 2001
13th February 2001
4th February 2001
23rd January 2001

Copyright David Kei 2001 in association with MINK productions
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