DK One
22nd May 2001
No rest for the wicked
I'm so tired.. Got in last night and promptly collapsed upon the floor. Grabbed a bite to eat and thought, sod it, no
Detox tomorrow as I am going to bed.
It wasn't to be however as I was suffering from a severe case of insomnia. Finally giving up on the sleep business I
fixed myself a coke (wise?) and booted up the PC. Time to get creating!
Well after several discarded template ideas I found my old 'Murphy' pic from my Amiga days. Ahh the old reliable IFF format
and the wonderful Deluxe Paint with its excellent magnify function! Those were the days.
Murphy kinda reminded me of Wes so I messed with the template until I arrived at today's strip. I instantly disliked the
template even after all the work I had put into it. It was too far removed from the anime idea I had originally decided on. A sort of cross between Dragon Half and Little Gamers.
Not one for wasting effort I set about creating the strip anyhow. Stuck for an idea (it being 4am) I looked around for inspiration and focused on the Tomb Raider model Hing had given me. Hmm..
So there you have it. Today's strip does not feature the new templates but I'm getting there and you lot are not left wanting!
Its 5:30am and I'm still not sleepy so I'm going to sit in front of the TV watching Ranma 1/2 videos until it is time to go
to work.
Next strip will be on Thursday (hopefully).
Thought Of The Day - "Sleep would be good about now"
Previous DK One:
21st May 2001
1st May 2001
8th April 2001
12th March 2001
22nd February 2001
13th February 2001
4th February 2001
23rd January 2001