DK One
24th May 2001
I can't believe its not butter, seriously
Man o man do I feel a tad merde today. My sleeping pattern is all over the place like an NTSC video on a 1976 PAL Ferguson
VCR. God do I not feel good. The rather pitifully small Espresso the machine gave me is trying its hardest to wake me up but no my brain ain’t having none of it. Instead it’s settling down to a bout of 'Snooch to the nooch' on instant replay. I suppose it is my fault for watching Jay and Silent Bob cartoons until 2am.
Well anyway, today's comic. First off I couldn't be arsed (technical term that) so I tinkered around with the DETOX logo for an hour while listening to some dusty CDs that ain’t had no play time in about a year. Afterwards I felt 'inspired' to create some pixel art (round about the time 'Lucky' kicked in on the Buffy CD) and started in on a face then a body then.. waddayaknow a girl! I think a higher res would of done it justice.
Glancing at the clock I realised it wasn't there so had to look at my task bar (so damn inconvenient). Realising it was 3:30am (something to do with me being tired today? I think not) I tried to think of a comic strip idea. In the end I utilised my sketch, figuring it looked something like Anna (man this JD is good) I set about sketching JP. Ok, yes I know he's a stick figure but if I spent several hours in the early morning drawing pictures of JP you lot would start to look at me funny (ok, more funny).
So here I am and here you are with another strip. Hope you like it. I'm going to take this weekend to get my templates ready so I can get started in on the proper storyline for Detox 2.0. Plus the circus is in town, as is the computer fair,
I need to go motorbike shopping and the guys are having a day out. Hmm.. I'm sure there will be time.
Anyways mateys..
The summer is here and my ambition was to get my big chopper out and ride it all over the place. Of course I haven't bought my motorbike yet but hey.. I'm 2% there. Just need the helmet, bike and insurance.
Work wise my contract is up and there’s a big debate going on about it at the moment (well a small one but I like to think it’s big, and important). The contract market ain’t looking that good so maybe another reason to buy my motorbike. Get a duster (long coat) and ride off into the sunset and maybe solve crimes and shit. Hmm.. that sounded more feasible last night.
To be honest I'm not really worried. I need a holiday anyway. I was reading about this guy that combines the two. He bought a yacht and travels the world with his girl and laptop with wireless connection solving crimes IT problems for companies. Must be nice to be that good that you can work from anywhere. What would your ideal job involve?
You know what would be a great name for a rock band? Saliva. It just came to me as I was cleaning my keyboard.
Thought Of The Day - "I wake up to everyday"
Previous DK One:
22nd May 2001
21st May 2001
1st May 2001
8th April 2001
12th March 2001
22nd February 2001
13th February 2001
4th February 2001
23rd January 2001