Detox comic - seriously dood!

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DK One

5th June 2001

We're all going on a..

Hey dudes. Still with me? Good.

I've been idling lately and it hasn't been much fun. After transferring to my new post I am informed that there is no work for a while. Every workers dream right? Wrong. The new site has strict rules and a bitch of a firewall. No surfing, no ICQ and the people in this 1970's office don't talk to each other and when they do it is to discuss work. Welcome to every company's perfect work place. Welcome to a freelancer's hell.

Having nothing to do today other than look busy is a nightmare. Sure you can sit there thinking, "Hey, they are paying me to do nothing" but it is far from cool. Its dull, its boring and your brain turns to mush for not being used.

So hey, I need to escape and I need it fast. Cue an exit.

I've been meaning to visit my folks for a while now but I've been putting it off. So after one carefully worded email explaining that I was about to go on holiday and hey, we are not doing anything right now, mind if I take a holiday now? I get the ok and I'm outta there.

Of course the downside is that us freelancers don't get paid for time off like you permies. I've reasoned this away however by justifying the fact that I need a holiday and I'd be taking it at some point anyway. So why not when I'm bored out of my mind at work? Seemed like a plan to me. True, I won't be earning but my soul is free from the constraints of office hours and working alongside mindless drones. Instead I'll be sitting back, downing a beer or two and catching up on my reading.

And not moaning to my mates about how boring this job is. (sorry guys)

So while I'm enjoying therapy I'm afraid Detox is going to be a tad stale. I have not bought my laptop yet so I can not work on Detox while I am away from my apartment. Sorry about that. Normally Mink would take over but he's on an extended R&R.

When I get back however I promise more comic strips, an updated web interface and some articles! Yes articles. Not like before though. You see I have this list of tech that I want to buy and rather than do the research on what's hot or not, buy it then discard the research. I figured I would bung it on here as an article and you can reply back to it saying whether you agree with my choice or not.

Of course if you have any tech that you have purchased recently and are really happy with then feel free to email the details and your thoughts to me. I'll be more than happy to put it online.

This will not be a regular theme to the site. Its just something I am doing while I hunt down and purchase some new tech that I need.

See you when I get back!


Here is a list of the kit that I am looking to buy:

  • portable MP3 player
  • PC soundcard
  • widescreen TV
  • dvd player
  • laptop
  • hi-fi seperates
  • WAP mobile phone
  • games console

Thought Of The Day - "Barman. Bring me your best whores and ale!"


Previous DK One:
24th May 2001
22nd May 2001
21st May 2001
1st May 2001
8th April 2001
12th March 2001
22nd February 2001
13th February 2001
4th February 2001
23rd January 2001
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