DK One
8th August 2001
The english patient
I had a nice break from what passes as the norm when I visited my folks at the weekend. The problem was that there was a bug going around and low and behold.. who should get it? Yep little 'ole me. Well me and my dad anyway. It wasn't so bad. True the aches, pains, headaches, cold shivers and taste of paracetomol we could both do without. The biggest problems however were that we had to make our own cups of tea which meant getting off of the sofas we had occupied and that meant leaving the SKY remote open to attack from the one who was not making the tea. And the rule is you can not take it with you. Dad called that one.
So a pretty lazy start to the week. Finally managed to catch the film 'The 13th Warrior' and I have to say that it was pretty good. Also watched 'The thirteenth floor' which Mink had reviewed a while back. A cool film dude!
The rest of the channel hopping revealed little of interest except early morning re-runs of Lovejoy on UK Gold, SeaQuest DSV on Sci-Fi and classifc episodes of Xena. And after getting severly bored with all 12 music channels.. I ended up watching travel programs and the Extreme sports channel.
So now I'm back albiet a little tired and still in a bit of pain but time, a Playstation and Guinness will surely heal. Did I mention I was given a Playstation? Its a chipped 7002 (one I did myself some time ago) with a broken turntable. I need to get my hands on a new laser unit. Any suggestions?
Previous DK One:
29th July 2001
23rd July 2001
10th July 2001
8th July 2001
3rd July 2001
5th June 2001
24th May 2001
22nd May 2001
21st May 2001
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8th April 2001
12th March 2001
22nd February 2001
13th February 2001
4th February 2001
23rd January 2001